Ditch your fear of marriage. instead, prepare and position yourself to choose a healthier partner and build a thriving kingdom relationship leading to a blissful marriage
Why should I even get married? I totally understand if you are among the singles who nurse this thought and I hold no grudges against you. With the recent occurrences of domestic violence, adultery, and deceit in marriage, such apathy toward marriage is expected.
Again, the indifference towards marriage is further cemented by the possibility of being able to lead a fulfilling life as a single. Why then should you commit to someone for the rest of your life? What if they change? What if things get bad? What if you lose your friends, freedom, voice, and individuality?
I understand your concerns, fears, alternatives, and decisions. IT IS WELL UNDERSTOOD. But let us go back to the beginning. The purpose of the marriage institution is incomplete without that
When God created Adam and Eve, it wasn't because He wanted them to just have fun and live happily ever after. He created them for His purposes. Do you remember how the scripture says: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and every other thing will be added to you? Yeah! That's the core
The first thing that must happen in your life and marriage is the fulfilment of God’s plan and purposes — which comes with eternal rewards. Companionship, sexual intimacy, purpose execution, childbearing, and the adventurous lifestyles in your marriage come as additions.

God knew you before you were born. He had plans for you. He also had plans to lead you to a partner that will make heaven manifest in your home. All you need is ALIGNMENT, INTIMACY, PREPARATION, POSITIONING, AND OBEDIENCE.
Sounds simple, right? Yeah, I know. And that is the issue we have with singles and married people today. Everybody is trying to do their own thing! Marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. This shows, there will be imperfections and grace, lost seasons and redemption, pain and healing, and seasons of confusion and transformation in the home.

For these to occur, there might be challenges, conflict, betrayals, and misunderstandings. Regardless, when you both agree to walk with God intentionally, He changes the rhythm of your home and keeps you both planted, established, and nourished in His presence. This is how it was in the Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve messed up because they grew up too fast to make decisions that could affect their lives. No preparation, no process, no planning, just two adults with no previous experience. This made it easy for them to believe the lies of the enemy. They wanted the knowledge of good and evil and this is what people pursue in today’s world.

You don’t have to struggle. You should wonder if there are people who have had a successful marriage. How did they do it? Was God honoured in their home? Are they both happy and living within God’s plan? What system did they create? What principles did they follow? Did they lose themselves in the process?
Some of the reasons why marriages fail include:
An awareness of the possible issues that beset marriages helps you quickly spot them and tackle them when they arise — thereby, preparing you adequately for marriage.
It is possible to find someone outside marriage who can give you companionship, sex, money, security, and happiness. All these perks may motivate you to settle in marriage, but as a believer, how do these draw you back or away from God? Are you deeply content with living a lie?
Even if God speaks to you about your partner, you must work on yourself to make things work well for you. You cannot afford to be ignorant about making it work. It is important to prepare, whether before you settle, in the process of settling, or in marriage.
It is the reason this platform was set up for you.
Do Any Of These Describe You?
Are you yet to recover from your last heartbreak and you are currently afraid of falling in love again?
Did you experience any sort of rejection, bullying, abuse, toxic relationships, and environment or betrayal while growing up?
Are you desperately in search of how to discover yourself, your purpose, and your unique calling in life?
Do you need clarity, guidance, and support in understanding yourself and social interactions?
Are you tired of attracting players, unserious people, time wasters, gold diggers, and married folks into your life?
Do you feel unlucky with relationships and keep falling in love with the wrong person?
Do you want to learn how best to position yourself, attract the right partner, and date more intelligently?
Do you want to learn tips about a life that can make you a healthier single in the area of fashion, fitness, business, and finance?
Are you getting married soon and need help with wedding plans and marriage tips to scale through the first year?
Are you currently in a relationship but need help with managing distance, communication, and conflicts?
Do you want to strategically avoid building a toxic marriage like your parents or friends?
Do you want to master the art of dating by attracting and accepting the right person?
Do you want to shift your relationship from good to great?
If you fall within this spectrum, then we have got you covered.
I wish I was on this type of platform before getting married, I would have been able to avoid the issues that came with managing my personality, my in-laws and dealing with expectations. I spent years navigating and trying to balance myself with my new reality but with a platform like this, these mistakes can be avoided.
Emotional healing, Mindset detox, Soul work
Clarity, Foundation, Identity, Self-awareness/discovery, Visualizing
Positioning, Attraction forces, Packaging, Building confidence, Living on purpose
Sustaining and maintaining a relationship, building healthy friendships and relationships
Wedding planning guide, Managing In-laws relationship, Courtship guide, Marriage tips
Take an Assessment Here
We run a 3-month program where you are guided through resources and group coaching on how to navigate your season appropriately. If you are just stepping into the dating zone and you want to heal from childhood trauma first, then you need to join the RENEW hub. Any need you have can be easily identified in the pathway.
Learning Formats
Video courses
Get access to countless video courses that tackle different topics under each pathway.
We organize webinars that can help you with reviews and additional skills in life, relationships, and marriages generally.
Get access to resources like ebooks, blogs, templates, and podcasts to answer FAQs.
You will also connect with other singles and married individuals in a closed community.
Asides from our resources, you will also get an opportunity to pray and grow your walk with God.
We have coaches who will guide you in a community with other members.
I had a mind-shift in the 'purpose of marriage' class. I got to know more about communication with both my spouse and even my in-laws. I also got to learn a lot from the different discussions in the Ready Group which I belonged to. I had the opportunity to also meet with great minds. I learnt about finances as well, when a guest mentor came around.
Oluwaseun Tella
Nike is a brilliant and caring coach. She has a perfect mastery of her teachings. I have had so many unforgettable moments with her through her resources and consequently, I have enjoyed a sweeter relationship with my partner!
Babatunde Akinola

My Profile
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She's a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she's a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the 'before and after' of their marriages.
Nike has written over seven books including 'Get The Ring', 'Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages', and THRIVE (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).
Nike currently writes for Business Day, Women's Hub. She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website www.nikefolagbade.com
She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via www.loveandlifehub.com
Nike is married to a creative genius Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.