There was a time you didn't know any better and the enemy stealthily sold a lie to you..
He convinced you that his 'lie' would eliminate your loneliness, emotional instability, sadness, etc..
Little did you know that His plan was to exert control over our body, soul and spirit.
His plan was to get you ADDICTED to his lies to ensure you are disinherited of the beautiful possessions God has stored up for you.
Glory be God! You know better now and it is time to get UNADDICTED from the rottenness the enemy has been feeding you.
I introduce you to my UNADDICTED INTENSIVE course.
With this course, you will learn:
How to overcome masturbation, pornography, and sexual addiction.
Faith-based approach, real-life experiences, practical hacks in a no judgement zone
Did you know that masturbation is one of the commonest sexual addictions?
It is a compulsive habit that affects the young and old, the singles and married including Christians and other religions.
In most cases, it is at first, innocently perceived as a means to an end.
After a while, it becomes a habit that is constantly used to fill a void or soothe an emotional need.
And it thrives in secrecy. It causes shame, guilt, and a confused mind.
"Everyone who has ever tried to overcome sexual addictions are often faced with the brute reality that overcoming them is not a walk in the park."

You figured a snap of your finger could wish away your addiction, right?
You have prayed, fasted, read different blogs, and listened to different videos and podcasts yet, you keep struggling alone.
Worst of all, you can't speak to any random person about your predicament.
You have threatened yourself to stop.
You have tried to distract yourself by engaging in other activities but you keep encountering triggers and re-occurrence of your addictive habit.
You find yourself back in the same spot.
'My case is hopeless,' you mutter.
You feel very dirty, weird, and helpless.
Do I've your attention now?
This is a struggle that has probably haunted you for 7, 10, 13 or even 20 years.
You have tried to stop but nothing seems to work.
I deeply empathize with you.
I understand that rise and fall journey that makes you feel like a victim.
I can relate with the disappointment on your face, each time you enjoy the pleasure and awaken to the reality of another failure.
Do you know that the first right step to getting a solution is the admission that you have a problem at hand and a genuine desire to solve it?
Has it ever crossed your mind that you don't have a headway in tackling your addictive habit yet, because of your wrong approach?
What if I told you that I have a foolproof solution?
Now, this is the point where I need your help.
I need your GENUINE DESIRE and WILL for a change..
Are you willing to learn what it takes to defeat this habit and take charge of your life again?
Aha! I caught that look.
So you are thinking, 'I have been told this before and what did I get? I can't be delivered. I would rather resign myself to faith.'
In as much as I am pained that you feel this way, I still don't blame you..
Because the way you feel isn't peculiar to you, read Olamide's testimony..
'I must say that I am really grateful to God for all that He has done. When I received the word that I would be delivered, I didn’t know how it would happen. But then it came in the form of your program. It might seem small but I felt I should share. It’s been exactly 30 days and I’ve not yielded to temptations; I’ve not fallen since the last time I spoke with you. Each day it gets better and I feel stronger. I had fallen into the trap of masturbation for many years as a teenager and into my twenties. I thought I had conquered this addiction when I quit, but the habit came back again after many years. Every time I fall, shame, guilt, and condemnation would come over me. I hated myself for doing such a horrible act. I asked God for help and mercy. Then I saw the Unaddicted program on @secretplacewife’s Instastory. I was already down in the dumps at this time. When I saw the post, I knew it was for me and I signed up immediately. I made sure to listen to the videos and do all the assignments. There were so many golden nuggets and truths that I learned which opened my eyes, from going back into my past to understanding my childhood, to understanding my mind and the love God has for me. The key takeaway for me is the “Towards Motivation” mindset. This blew my mind.'
Can you see?
You can't afford to be trapped in the web of a fixed mindset
The bane of sexual addiction is deeper than you think.
I am sure you know that sexual addictions include pornography, masturbation, lust, voyeurism, uncontrolled desire for sex, etc. They are capable of adversely messing with your mental and physical health; your emotions, focus, spirituality, and relationship/ marriage.
What's more?
Sexual addiction can lead to sexual anorexia, which can affect your marriage when you finally find the one you love.
You can't afford to ruin your marriage because you failed to take another leap of faith.
Don't be fooled. It is a trap and bondage you need to be set free from.
You can be set free. You will be set free!
It is a journey but you need the BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT intervention for effective freedom.
Here are reasons why you should join this holistic solution-driven program:
Learn the way sexual habits work, the root cause, triggers, and anchors that keep you in a defeated cycle.
Understand the beliefs driving your shame; identify the root cause of the void you are trying to fill.
You will learn how these addictions wreck your spiritual life and interfere with your purpose, spiritual gifts; and your mental and spiritual sanity.
Find out why fasting and prayer alone wouldn't help and why you need more than a generic routine to channel your energy.
Discover how to master the body, soul, and spirit gateways that can pull down the strongholds. And how they can help you avoid or overcome the triggers.
Learn how to embrace your true identity and experience intimacy with God again — without guilt.
Find out how to overcome this habit completely, regardless of what life throws at you in the future.
Learn how to master your sexuality and live beyond urges; and the trap of pleasure that draws you in.
Figure out the concept of emotional needs, self, and how the brain works to keep you seeking 'more' no matter your guilt.
Find the best support you need with a person who has overcome and can guide you to victory without shame and stigma.
READ MORE TESTIMONIALS from those who permitted us to share. (Due to the personal nature of the feedback received, we were able to hand pick a few, while exercising caution in preserving the identities of participants).
What they say
Good morning Aunty Nike. I really want to thank you for everything. Meeting you is divinely arranged and I know it. These 4 weeks have been a blessing back to back. You see the follow-up you do through emails and WhatsApp, God bless you for them. It takes a whole lot of patience and endurance to be consistent because I know it’s not everyone who responds. Thank you for being real, I am seriously journalling, reading the 40 days fast from negative thinking, pleading the blood of Jesus over my gateways. You move to higher dimensions in your calling, the resources to fulfil your calling are given to you in abundance, and you have God’s best of everything more than you can imagine or think
On the morning of the Unaddicted program, I had a dream. In it, you told me to follow you and you were going to show me some things. So we had to lodge at a guest house and it was going to be a program. When I followed, you asked me to wait and you needed to freshen up. I went out of the house, a woman wearing a black cloth followed me and she really disturbed me. I ran back into the house and I sat in the living room, the woman followed me, then I screamed: Jesus. She evaporated. You came in and asked me to follow you. As of then, I didn’t know Unaddicted Intensive was coming. So when I got the slot to be on the programme, I was so glad and I knew the end to satan’s grip had come. And it has. Thanks for the eye-opening modules. Thanks for the privilege. Thanks for the prayers. Thanks for showing me the prayers to pray, and to depend on the Holy Spirit more than ever. Thanks for the strategies you gave. It has really helped.
UNADDICTED INTENSIVE is not just a quick fix, it is a holistic approach that shows you the BODY-SOUL-SPIRIT DIMENSION to gaining the victory you need
Option 1:
Learn at your pace
Full access to the course
Supporting resources
Option 2:
Course with Personal Guidance. Comes with Whatsapp support
Full access to the course
Supporting resources
WhatsApp support
Option 3:
Course with Coaching and Personal Guidance. Get full access to me while learning
Full access to the course
Supporting resources
WhatsApp support
2 hours virtual session
Prefer a direct payment?
Kindly make a transfer to GTBANK, NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL, 0478825692.
After payment, do send in proof of payment to hello@nikefolagbade.com
Ade also had this to say upon completing his course:
'You Coach, you’re one of the blessings of God for me in this pandemic…Thank you so much for doing this! Words are not enough. This is beyond surreal. The voice in my head had been telling me this is the new normal, but the Spirit sent You. I’m very analytical and can break down why a thing works the way it does. For some reason, I couldn’t deconstruct this addiction and the spectrum of experiences that come with it. Now, thanks to this program I can better understand what’s going on.'
You have access for a year but we prefer that you follow through during the program so that you can get coordinated help in the process.
Sure, you will be receiving your class details and information via direct email. So, your identity is between you and me. You can also stay anonymous, if you wish.
No, it is not. The solutions in this course are a direct revelation from God. Also, they are based on adequate research, experience, and results from people that worked. You will surely experience a mind shift, healing, and deliverance in the process. Essentially, you will need to be disciplined about implementation.

Meet me here
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She's a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she's a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the 'before and after' of their marriages.
Nike has written over seven books including 'Get The Ring', 'Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages', and THRIVE (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).
Nike currently writes for Business Day, Women's Hub. She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website www.nikefolagbade.com
She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via www.loveandlifehub.com
Nike is married to a creative genius Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.