Ok, slow down..
Take a deep breath and consider this.
What kind of foundation do you intend to build your marriage on?

You haven't thought about it, right?
Oh! You, on the other hand, have thought about it but you struggle with coming up with a framework.
No matter the divide you find yourself in, it is fine.
Don't feel bad, you are not alone and I am here to help you kick off your marriage on the right path.
Now, stay with me for the next few minutes. Would you?
Is it not worrisome how couples go into marriages ILL-PREPARED?
I mean, even a child can predict the aftermath of writing an examination without properly studying for such an examination.
Are you still with me?
Can you venture into a business without weighing the pros and cons and gaining a proper orientation of such a business?
Now tell me, haven't you desired to get married just like you have wished to become an expert in a certain profession?
So, what did you do before becoming an expert in your chosen field?
Correct! You attended a tertiary institution.
And about your decision to get married, which concerted step have you taken to experience the bliss that is hidden in the institution?
I am amazed by how couples assume that marriage is any different from the pursuit of other formal aspirations
They believe emotions, money, spirituality and other similar factors are capable of building a rock-solid marriage.
The outcome of this widespread mindset is before our eyes. Down the road, the shoddy marital foundation that has been built ends up negatively affecting the roles couples play in making their marriages work.
Here is how that plays out!
After the wedding, reality sets in and couples realize that their attitudes, beliefs, characters, differences, and expectations are tearing their marriages apart.
Do you have to be a part of the statistics of couples not getting it right?
I will answer a resounding NO even for my enemy.
I know how it feels to be caught in the web of a turbulent marriage. No one deserved to be a VICTIM.
What if I tell you that it is possible to prepare for a blissful marriage that is garnished with pure love and understanding?
Don't feed on the lies of the devil.
The fact that your parents didn’t have a good marriage does not seal your fate for a marital disaster.
It's up to you to write a new story. You can change the narrative for your upcoming generation.
Hey, I totally understand your plight
So, you never experienced a good model of marriage while growing up. The marriages of your parents, uncles, aunties, neighbours, friend's parents, etc were riddled with so much conflict and coldness.
You can deviate from those norms by carving new models for yourself. You can become better than your predecessors.
If you saw a good picture of marriage while growing up, fantastic imagery for you.
But if you didn't experience true love while growing up or you didn't grow up in an atmosphere of love and affection, you can heal from this and make your marriage better.
By partnering with God and seeking for your personal transformation and wholeness.
Have you noticed that head knowledge alone does not guarantee the success of a marriage?
Relying solely on your friend’s advice won’t help you either.
The positive ambience of your marriage is your sole responsibility.
Who lied to you that the best time to work on yourself is when you are already married?
Entering marriage with this mindset sets you on a slippery slope.
The major work starts with the wholesome preparation you have put in place before marriage.
Marriage works because two people are committed, ready, teachable, humble, and willing to make it work.
If you were able to stay hooked to this point, then waste no further time signing up for the
It is a Group Premarital Counseling.
Let me quickly drop a teaser as to why you shouldn't dismiss the chance to hit the ground running properly in marriage.
Read what STEPHEN EYITAYO had to say after taking the course…
'The premarital class was concise, yet comprehensive. It touched on the core issues surrounding marriage, especially seemingly little things that generate great effects on the marriage, such as mindsets, beliefs, backgrounds, etc. Also, the teachings were insightful and instructive. All the classes helped to focus on key areas where more work is to be done to secure a future marriage. Thank you so much, the facilitator and other guest speakers.'
Deborah Ligom also testified thus:
My experience in one word was 'Eye-Opening'. I got clarity on marriage and all that comes with it. Sitting with the Holy Spirit and what I learnt here and engaging them, especially in the areas I must grow I believe, will help me have a far better and more effective mindset towards a healthy marriage.
Let me give you a sneak peek into the course..
This premarital program will run through different sessions based on the package you choose.
In the sessions, we will cover topics like Finance, Mindset, Communication, Spirituality, etc.
What’s more!
We will avail you with an assessment tool that will track your upbringing, experiences, personality, expectations, sex, boundaries, expectations, beliefs, money beliefs, and so on.
I have experienced much of what you will go through in your first five years of marriage.
Hold my hands and let me help you navigate it well.
Two marriages are never alike, hence:
To deal with the different family patterns you inherited from your parents that can sabotage your marriage.
To identify and understand your different personalities.
To understand how to navigate the unexpected challenges that come up in marriage.
To manage your expectations, communication, and belief systems well.
To parent morally upright and godly children, who can continue a generation of holiness and the fulfilment of God’s purpose.
To clarify the mindset around marriage like roles, rules, boundaries, money, parenting, and vision amongst others.
To deal with negative and spiritual influences that may stem from your background.
How Will It Run?
Each module comes as a power-packed video filled with practical insights.
Every module comes with access to a workbook that can help you answer questions and evaluate your journey.
Get access to seasoned mentors and experts who will teach on topics that can help your marriage.
You will get a certificate after the end of the course.
The program runs for 8 weeks and webinars are held at different times for review sessions and questions and answers.
Registration ends on February 24th.
Program begins on February 25th
Choose Your Package
Individual Package
8 weeks course
Guest Experts
Couple package
8 weeks course
Guest Experts
Prefer a private session or a mixture of the course and private sessions tailored for you both? Check here for more: PRIVATE MATERIAL
Here are more Testimonials
It was a wonderful session filled with so much wisdom that can only be from God. It is helping me already because we communicate properly and with so much grace and patience and it can only get better in marriage.
Micheal Emi
Sincerely, it was mind-blowing. My partner and I had a great time learning. We learnt about patterns to look out for, how to be financially wise, and lots more. We've been applying what we've learnt so far and honestly it has been working tremendously in our relationship.
Adeola Modupeolu
The class helped me learn more about myself and my partner, especially with respect to communicating effectively. I am now a better communicator and I take time to weigh my words before letting them out.
Charis Oluwaseyi
The premarital class was great; it was an opportunity to learn, relearn and unlearn. Every class was an experience, and I believe with God on my side, I'd pay due diligence to practice what I've learnt from the class.
Benjamin Elemide
Nike is a brilliant and caring coach. She has a perfect mastery of her teachings. I have had so many unforgettable moments with her through her resources and consequently, I have enjoyed a sweeter relationship with my partner!
Babatunde Akinola
Countless people have died, gone insane, developed life-threatening health conditions, lost their salvation or failed at their purposes because they failed to get things right from the scratch.
Do you know that a happy marriage equates to a fulfilled destiny? It snowballs into nurturing mentally stable children who would become arrows in your hands.
INVEST 20,000 Naira for yourself and your partner.
Why invest so much time and resources planning for your wedding ceremony and fail to invest in the tested and trusted knowledge about blissful marriages?
You will agree that 20,000 Naira is a meager sum compared to the immense benefits of this program.
SIGN UP NOW… and I will take you through the process that can lead you to experience a HEAVEN ON EARTH MARRIAGE.
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She's a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she's a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the 'before and after' of their marriages.
Nike has written over seven books including 'Get The Ring', 'Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages', and THRIVE (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).
Nike currently writes for Business Day, Women's Hub. She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website
She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via
Nike is married to a creative genius Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.