Welcome To Love And Life Hub

Courses | Community | Coaching | Connection

A Love and Learning platform focused on enlightening and connecting singles.

Do any of these describe you?

Everything You Need In One Place

For Single Men and Women

Love and Life Hub is a love and learning platform that is focused on enlightening and connecting singles desirous of becoming the best version of themselves and having a healthier relationship. We have deliberately organized all that it takes for you to discover yourself, learn about dating intelligently, connect with other singles and position yourself for an ideal partner with the right. It is a combination of courses, connection, webinars and resources for an active dating life. We guide you and also pray with you into the right relationship and marriage.

You don’t have to take random courses to upgrade yourself, you can easily learn on love and relationships based on where you are in life and your love cycle, which is why we have created an assessment to show you where you are. Take the assessment and join a hub to guide you through your journey.

Video Testimonials

Hear what other people think about Nike

Here are the benefits of joining our Hub

Video courses

Get access to countless video courses tackling different topics under each pathways.


Every quarter, we will organize webinars that will be free for members but paid for non-members.


Get access to resources like ebooks, blogs, templates and podcasts to answer FAQs.


You will also connect with other singles in a closed community.

Prayer Sessions

Aside our resources, you will also get an opportunity to pray and grow your walk with God while finding the one.

Support Coaching

We have coaches who will guide you in a community with other members.

Find Out Your Pathway In Your Love Journrey

We have made it easily for you to learn based on where you are.

The courses will be segmented based on your current journey and you can gradually learn till you transit completely.


Emotional healing, Mindset detox, Soul work


Clarity, Foundation, Identity, Self-awareness/discovery, Visualizing


Positioning, Attraction forces, Packaging, Building confidence, Living on Purpose


Sustaining and maintaining a relationship, building healthy friendships and relationships


Wedding plans guide, Managing In-laws relationship, Courtship guide, Marriage tips


Take an assessment here

Watch more testimonials


Registration is currently ongoing. JOIN NOW!


When you make payment, you will be redirected to a page where further details are listed. You can take your assessment and do necessary things too.  The courses will be hosted on this site as videos. There is a general community for all members where you can connect and learn from each other.

I have seen Nike work successfully with singles and assist many either break free from addictions or successfully get them ready for marriage. If there is anyone who understands how to successfully assist singles then Nike is the go to person and whatever comes out of her stable has my absolute endorsement. At a time when the most critical need is choosing right this comes at the right time and I throw my weight behind it
Praise Fowowe
Family Life Therapist

Prefer a direct payment?



After payment, kindly send an email to hello@loveandlifehub.com stating the amount, package, full name and proof of payment.

Adenike, my ‘Iya’beji’ has one skill I love: critical thinking. She is able to observe, think and give constructive feedback and while doing it, she’s sensitive and empathetic. Professionally, Nike is resourceful and she knows her onions. She may not come across as your usual active kind but she’s surely someone who pays attention to details. I endorse her anytime.
Coach Sam Obafemi
President, SOBCA

Meet The Founder, Nike

Nike Adedokun Folagbade helps men and women experience emotional healing and personal transformation thereby being able to build healthy relationships. She is a Personal Transformation and Family life coach. A vivid encourager, equipper and nurturer who leads the coaching/consultation services at NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL. She is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Results Coach. She is also an associate of Family Systems Engineering and an Emotional intelligence/Anger management coach. A SYMBIS facilitator who helps engaged and married couples prepare or manage their marriage well.


Nike was listed among the 2019 100 most inspiring young people in Nigeria. In 2015, she was recognized as the best sexuality advocate and in 2014; she won the third relationship blog in Nigeria. She is the founder of Love and Life Hub where she helps singles get equipped with the right skills to build wholesome relationships. She has been featured on media platforms like Channels TV, The Guardian, Galaxy TV, City FM, WeFM Nigeria, Core TV News, Radio Nigeria and other numerous platforms. She’s currently a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Punch, Business Day News, Women of Rubies and She Leads Africa.

As Seen On

Nike has been featured on different platforms

Numbers Speak for Themselves

0 +
singles impacted
0 +
Years of Experience
0 +

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this platform about?

In simple terms, this platform is operated as a subscription model where singles learn how to heal, discover themselves and build healthy relationships. We also help singles connect with each other through our SPOTLIGHT in our community. We have different pathways that describes your journey from self discovery to marriage, you can learn gradually as you transit.

How much does it costs and can I pay monthly?

The cycle runs every 3 months. You pay 10,000 to join us quarterly. If you are paying from abroad, kindly use the second button below.

What kind of content will I have acces to on this platform?

Most of our courses are in video format. We also have some texts, audio, eBooks, templates, assessments and tools.

Where will the community be hosted on?

Everyone will be added to a joint community where they can interact with each other, connect and learn also. It will be on WhatsApp and there are support coaches guiding you.

How do I access Coach Nike?

Coach Nike can be accessed only by those who pay for a one-on-one coaching or during the webinars.

If I need more clarity about this platform, how do I reach you?

You can click the WhatsApp button below or send an email to hello@loveandlifehub.com

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